Friday, October 29, 2010

What If...

You can imperil God's destiny/calling for your life...
My foretaste of it spans 3.5 decades. That is disconcerting, sounds like sheer stupidity or deplorable situation. No closure, whatsoever!
What if... a supposition that has engulfed you, a vital component of your  failed relationships and the underpinning element of every decision you had made whether they're relational, spiritual, financial and physical is the culprit? Should I just unleash the self-provoking thought that if I  had not compromised my values about love, would had it given me what I thought to be right or it  happened because I didn't do enough indulging, listening, and loving?
Can I also impose on other suppositions that just may be, I were and still impermeable when something is real.
My senses are telling me to say adieu and press forward but these feelings and emotions are a rummage to my soul & spirit...
Lord God, deliver me from all of these what "ifs" in my life, these are suppositions that had made me feel irrelevant, insignificant, and powerless.Let it be your blood that was shed @ the cross wash my insecurities, flaws, pride and weaknesses...Help me put my feet anchored on your Holy Word, and let  my pain in solitude that has squandered my being for so long  be rested on your shoulders and I pray and hope that after all these years, I see the light at the end of the tunnel shining through me!

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Another great post shirley...a scripture that comes to mind and sums up the gospel journey i am on right now is ..II corinthins is with excellence you have found yourself his child, and please do not negate that since day one you have been a shining light.ay you now, with continued application towards excellence ..empowered by his infallible word find yourself blindingly beautiful..reconciling those moments that may not have been that horrendous but lacking his good acceptable or perfect will. you have always seemingly been a product of excellence: your todays are a signiture unto this belief...wrog turns arent always a bad thing...if you never made a wrong turn, you would never have been so embraced by his LOVE. keep shinig ever brighter until his fullness has come and the what if's were only a pre-curser to steal the glory from the beauty that you have been to superceed infallible beauty found in the perfetion that is ..HIM. and take it to the unbelieveable heights...your downfalls are my greatest toorrows seemingly, and your highs an ispiration: keep shining brightly till patience has her perfect work. I enjoyed your post: another qualitative reading and done as always with that exellence that keeps me posted. God bless and keep writing! : jennifer