Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Song & Yours...

I heard this song  midday yesterday while watching Today @ TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) I couldn't help but check Steven Curtis Chapman's music videos on you tube. Then I found the right image to project and share for my blog.

There are songs that  triggers nostalgia as of revisiting the past; also many songs that when you listen to them, they're for momentary entertainment but there are also songs that penetrate the chambers of your soul entreating you to forget your issues and just want to make you move past your guilt and insecurities and make a paradigm shift on your mindset. Just like this one...(Yours) Oh, that would be awesome if only I could make it through without a fight...a fight that would render me to the finish line!

As Jeff Goins says in his book "Wrecked" which I'm still reading, " Entering the pain of others can make us feel good, giving us a deep confidence about our place in the world, while doing work that doesn't feel good at all. In other words,  in our grief, we find purpose. In suffering, we find significance. And still, the pain goes on.
The intersection between these two contradictions is where we find our true selves."

In a way, we're all entangled, weaved into something greater than ourselves. I'm still praying for that relentless courage that would compel me to act beyond necessities and that will cause me to grow and live with my faith without wavering. And in the end I would love my heart to look back one more time and really see my journey without apology and regret and refine me once & for all.
Good Thursday everyone!

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