Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Sailing in all Winds"

You have to be "you" to be free not the other way around. That's just me... It's an emblem, the touchstone of how well you celebrate life- - -to know you!
Every dream I had that never reached its axis leaves me less disconcerting as I go through life...
Not everything is significant; just like reading, you can scan and skip what's before your eyes- - - because if you give meaning to every soul and to every circumstance, you won't have time to decipher what's good and beneficial to you. Again, that's just me. What they say about every thing happens for a reason does not really resonate with me. We give so much meaning and almost indiscretions to people's feelings and emotions. We try to weave uncharted territories that serves no purpose. Leave them unrestrained. There's beauty in that, too.
However; take hold of your heart, its fortitude and faith to hang on to what is left...
After all, there is Power in Choice, Power in Speech, Power in Faith, Hope & Love. These given rights are Achievable, Doable only when you think that you can with your heart's good intention.
Don't let life's sense of wonder become just whispers, be loud and outspoken while there is still time. Write, speak, listen, feel and share what you absolutely love. Daunting and peculiar and distant they may be, but to me and you, they're indelible marks of who we are. Own it!
The stormy winds of life, them, too, will pass. Its course of nature is changing. Just how much you cling to it has to be about you and you alone. 
I dare to be daring as I can be this year...Look up with me!
Thank you

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