Tuesday, December 31, 2013

"Getting My Eyes Fixed Inside My Heart..." for 2014

I was a bummer last year for not following through my resolutions. Inconsistency is the operative word. I had major emotional excuses. Surely, I flopped even with my blogging. I just post whenever and my platform for writing was ambiguous even to myself. There's that writing constraint that is always there to remind me. I thought that I was more concern of my personal grit and not really connecting to my viewers. Certainly, I would like to make amends by posting more relatable topics with substance for 2014.

I plan to post three times a week. That would be Sunday, Wednesday & Friday. I'm not also trying to insinuate anybody into subscribing to my Christian faith. I just want to always share with you that our journey with life here on earth is all about our longings to be loved, validated and be sought and freed by the truth of our existence. When you come to realize it, there's really more that we can do inwardly to exude breakthroughs.

As you all know walking & jogging in the park by myself or with my Lab Cocoa is a regiment for me. Three times a week is my capacity accruing 13 miles altogether per week. Doing it is an acclamation. It does boosts my resistance to the common cold; regulates my blood pressure accordingly and prevents me from adding another unwanted layer in my belly..lol. Most of all, I feel rejuvenated and thankful that my feet are still swift to follow my lead. I'll do better in 2014. I'll see if I can join some walkathon or marathon for special projects this year. That would be really interesting and a bliss.

Networking with other bloggers or writers by attending live podcasts and even seminars are also my prospects in the making. I think that anybody who would give anything to reach out to people successfully should do something about it. That's every writer's creed. We're all artists on our own ways. Keep that in mind.

We should never be contented of where we are because each day is an opportunity to make your life count and productive...or full of regrets and suppositions. I chose the first premise. The second premise is lifeless. I'm tired with hovered regrets and suppositions. And you can be an "ironclad" by becoming the best possible way to be the beautiful &worthy You; no phony maneuvers and no self-absorb infusion to your craft or to anything that you love doing. No apologies and excuses either for mediocre results. It's time you own your mistakes and go above them. Build a ladder for hierarchy out of them. I know I will this time. You are, too. Have a little faith even just a "mustard seed."

I really hope also that 2014 will propel me to the fields of missionary work and that whatever I envision doing will be God's will for my life. One thing I know is that there is no guarantee that our plans will be processed the way we want them to be manifested. Our anchor must be always that our "winning the war inside our hearts" is only through God's divine grace. I know this faithfully because I wrestled with my heart's desire for a long time. After being in the pit, in the hole, and in my own cell with my own making, finally I made a decision not to wrestle but now learning how to surrender fully to God... Drawing closer to my Savior in 2014 is a specific decision I would have to work through diligently--deep inside my heart. There is no "falling out" with Jesus; only triumphs &victories.

I have decided that  this year's primal goals include the joy of writing words of pure intention. The Genesis of a new day.

Hope all your gifts and talents be of service to the Lord, to yourself and to others. Be of courage and always be loving and thoughtful to your words and actions. You only have Today to be where you want to be; not yesterday or tomorrow. Look up. There is a" silver lining" in everything.

Please celebrate with me the joys & prosperity of 2014!

Talk to you, soon.

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