What I Learned On This 31-Day Writing Challenge:
"Sometimes the universe conspires to lure you away from your sacred calling..."
Relieved--is my operative word as today is the last day for the 31-day writing challenge. It was tough, I'm not kidding. There were uneven nights when words didn't fill my head with creative words and worst, when my heart just ceased to grab the "muse" of my writing. Sometimes waiting doesn't cut it. My emotions, my stamina, my imagination and my will held me back. I almost quit this writing challenge whenever the difficulty of the craft freezes my train of thoughts without warnings. No wonder it's called a writing challenge because it challenges your perseverance, determination, and self control. And I'm so glad that I kept my eyes wide open--to "sacred" calling. I have learned to resist distractions in increments keeping my writing challenge in perspective.
"Writing is the gateway for truth..."
There is nothing more valuable in a writers' arsenal list than sheer honesty in their work. You can't be abstract in communicating your theme in your writing. I realized through reading and listening to wisdom of other writers that my platform, "On hope, faith & love" is too broad to conquer. Although all these three feed on one another because they're the cornerstones of living a positive life, still lacks to enlighten and enchant the reader/s, even to my taste. So, I'm deliberating on specifying my title blog that would ground readers feel at home with my writing.
"Writing offers Hope..."
Beyond food and shelter, hope is what keeps us alive. Especially Today. I have had my own personal conflict going through this 31-day writing challenge. "I had my share with "burning the midnight candles" almost every night and believe me three hours of sleep is hard labor especially when you have to wake up at 5am to get ready for work. There were some errands and appointments I had to cancel just to prepare myself for inviting words to flow in my psyche. And frequently I feel betrayed by my own inconsistencies.
However; in the depth of my gut, writing still brings out those sentiments I am most fond of: serendipity-- the unusual coincidences; having epiphanies; nostalgia and wondrous entrances of dazzling words to sentences unto paragraphs and before you know it, your thoughts unfolding...
"Writing...a life journey"
When some of us struggle for astonishing traffic, subscribers, viewers, visitors in your site, my heart only concedes to a soul that support my stance, what I believe in and will trust my instincts even when my intentions keep you guessing.
Writing is a lonely endeavor. You want to be alone when you're crafting words. Everybody is sleeping while you're writing. The quieter your surrounding is, the louder your mind is communicating with you...The more you write, the more it hones your skills and liberate your creativity--hoping your writing is thoughtful enough to teach and inspire.
So in closing, joining the 31-day writing challenge was more than a precursor to engaging yourself to writing more passionately. I have gained new insights about considering to embrace the wisdom of opposing views not just views that affirms my perspective. Again, I have to thank God for guiding me through...
As always, thanks for reading and journeying with me for 31 days and many more. You
Take Care Always.