Friday, April 11, 2014

"May Your Day Be Filled With Love & Blessings..."

The Lord will watch over your coming and going
  both now and forevermore...Psalm 121:8

 April 12 and it's 12:27 am. Felt like it's too good to be true. No sirens echoing or blasting outside ; my neighbors are quiet. My Labradors are sound asleep. All I have to hear is the sound of downpours of rain coming from my radio. I set it up like that whenever I'm about ready to sleep.

But tonight or rather; this early morning, I could hear the heartbeat of my soul. Heartbeats that are not loud; more of a settling sound that beckons me to write...

Early part of April is marked with tragic incidences here in Ft. Hood & in Pennsylvania. What is disturbing is that: we're so immune now of hearing shooting and stabbing rampages. Human life becomes like a utility and as if, nothing we can do about the root of the problem which is to me lies on the spiritual decay of our faith in God. What happened to us? I dare ask for my sanity's sake.

There is no sense trying to understand how people can just snap or blame it on the triggers of their inhuman actions. I'm almost certain that such heinous crimes are most likely perpetuated by many unexplained self-condemnations, the perils of depression that have been haunting the mind; the abandoned self-worth that has been nullified and aggravated by those they trust & love but it is what it is...We have become self-absorbed of what surrounds us. There is a drought in our prayer life. We have forgotten to give praise & worship the Creator, the one true God, Jesus, who's the only way, the truth and the life.. And that no one comes to the Father except through Him, Jesus who died for our sins. We're like the Israelites in the wilderness paving way to the murmurs & discontent of their hearts. Their mindsets were still enslaved to the Pharaoh's entitlements in Egypt. And so do we, worst I think.

We have a loving God whose love is unparalleled. His son Jesus bore all our sins at the Calvary's cross. We are redeemed. However, we can't understand the fullness of His love for us if Jesus is not our personal Savior & Lord of our life. 

I hope and Pray that Today be that turning point of your life to know Him better. For even if everything is going waywardly, and your life be taken away, just make sure your heart is in the right place with the Lord Jesus and Heaven will be your eternal Home.

You Take care Always...

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