Sunday, September 27, 2015

After The Movie, "Little Boy..."

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 I shed some tears...maybe more like a whimper. I didn't care how it would be conveyed. More likely vulnerable, soft, sensitive --all of which transcendent of me going beyond ordinary emotions.
I wish that I could occupy that rarest boldness and childlike faith in believing that miracles do happen. And the little boy's journey to his indescribable love for his father's return from war was finally rewarded.
 I believe that it's a combination of faith greater than a mustard seed that became as high as the sky from the little boy; the will to survive on the part of the father and the divine intervention of the Heavenly Father that were interwoven as the ultimate God's plan. 

Thank you, Lord,  for the chance to watch the movie with my sister Cely and the church congregation. I know that nothing is happenstance and that you are directing my steps.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference..."
by Reinhold Niebuhr

Have a very Blessed Sunday everyone!
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My chocolate Lab Cocoa with me. I guessed, she has missed me while I was out watching the movie. For I don't usually go out on a Sunday afternoon. Nice to be missed...

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