If I could speak for all the women that attended the conference, there's no denying that the primary "take away" is the wisdom that Debra in the book of Judges represents. I call it relative hierarchy in position but in God's eyes, it is the spiritual sense of order. However, it is not easy for some of us to claim and stand on how God sees us first and manifest that if we don't even know what our specific calling is. Not operating under the anointing of our gifting will leave us perplexed, unsatisfied, vacillating, and unsure.
No wonder that we sometimes displace our worthiness and righteousness to substance abuse, to junk food, to associating with unequally yoked people, and oftentimes succumb to men's cloak raiments if you know what I mean...
BUT...with God and with the help of godly people, we learn how to sharpen our instincts and use it wisely in all circumstances. We can smell from afar the devices that the enemy employs upon us. We have the Word of God that is sharper that the two-edged sword and it pierces the soul.