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"But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14 (NKJV) The quality of innocence (not ignorance) in young children is one that you and I could still remember, how it felt to be playful, open and how that humor us now... When you're a child, you believed in almost everything your parents, older siblings, and elders had told you. Believing in Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Cinderella, and other action figure characters like Superman & Incredible Hulk might have been delightfully appealing growing up. What they constituted in your young mind is that they draw infinite power and goodness which we all wish we had. However, as little children, we were so much happier, content and void of complications even when we just had enough food to eat, and a roof over our heads; no extras, no appetizers--just straight main course. But we were happy inside and out! We were always hanging out together as a family doing household chores, homework, playing outside and fun learning that we get from each other. I know that we didn't have more than enough for extras but that didn't give us the license to be depressed but instead ambitious and responsible young adults. I don't know, my generation was just so different and yet I would never trade in today's microwave generation where patience is not a virtue. I remember when I was in the third grade, my favorite time of day is sunset and especially at night watching the stars as if they were just above me and within my grasp. Oh my God, they were so crystal bright, so incandescent and enigmatic. That is truer to me now than when I was barely nine years old. And then I heard about this falling or shooting star that when you see it gradually falling, you start making a wish that will eventually come true. Not sure how many times I had beguiled being a spectator of a shooting star. I just know that as a child of this universe, I was mesmerized by it. Couldn't remember what my wishes then but I'm sure most of them were granted. In my early writings, I had established that my childhood was a gift to my adulthood and motherhood. That was a time of honest existence, innocent experiences that you will never inhabit again. But they're in your portals, in your heart. |
Thursday, January 31, 2019
"Write About Innocence..."
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
"What I Know For Sure..."
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What I intend to share and teach based on my personal experiences before becoming a Christian is irrelevant. What I know for sure is the truth of the matter when I started walking my faith in God. I know that the Sovereign God that is revealed to me from Genesis to Revelation is the same God that died for you and me at Calvary Cross so we may have eternal life with Him. I really wish that people get it that no matter how grievous their sins are that God forgets and erases that completely. The only thing you have to do is make Him your personal Saviour and Lord of your life. That means, that you need to surrender all to Him and He will straighten your path. I think that a lot of people want to be a Christian but not walk their faith. They want to give in to their flesh and at the same time, they want the grace of God to forgive them every time they commit sin. God's grace is enough but not the way we want to interpret His grace to our advantage. God's grace more abounds when He makes your enemies scattered and gives you grace not to go back to your wicked ways. It doesn't mean that because He already paid for all of our sins in full that with that assurance, we abuse the benefits of His Grace. Who are you fooling? God knows it all! God knows our hearts. When we go astray and squander everything that He gave us, He still wants us. I'm sure we're all familiar with the parable of the prodigal son. God rejoices every child of His that comes home with a repentant heart. Today may be your day to experience His love everlasting. This is the only assurance I know that never changes: God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten son to be the sacrificial lamb to pay for all of our sins and His precious Blood that was shed at CalvaryCross heals all of our wounds physically and spiritually. Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. |
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
"Give Your Own Eulogy..."
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What a topic to write about! I was taken aback a little bit. It's true that I'm not scared to die for I know that heaven's door awaits for me and all therein...However, I would be curious what would be said about how I lived my life here on earth, what would be left unsaid and who would deliver my eulogy. What would my two sons say what's the most important life lessons they learned from me? If I die before my mom, what would she mostly miss of me? What about my siblings, friends, neighbors, and co-workers? But honestly speaking, after death, you won't have any knowledge of anything happening here on earth when you're gone to be with the Lord. Your quest, zest, your journey through life ceased. With that said, what will be cherished and missed to mention in my eulogy is not important. I won't be able to hear it. But God does. But I'll say this without regret and apology; God has given me self-will to choose what road or path to take. There are the well-traveled road and the least traveled narrow road. For the most part of my life, I found myself choosing the latter which means I didn't follow what the majority of people were doing. I felt the solitude of that decision but at the very core of my life, I knew I was doing the right things. When I got divorced, I single-handedly took good care of my 2 boys the best I can. I solemnly promised myself that I would dedicate my life raising them and even there was a possibility of a marriage proposal, I aborted any idea of getting married again. I remained virtuous and chaste for more than 18 years now. I'm proud of that about myself and I have the spirit of the Lord sustaining me to be one. Had I missed out? No, not when you have a strong relationship with the Lord. I had bold dreams, high hopes, and lofty aspirations. Some of them I've chased with a vengeance; some of them I approached with timidity, less burning fire in my heart, and some of them were never realized, yet. Maybe because I wasn't pursuing God's will for my life and my divine purpose... That I wasn't living a life of blazing urgency. But here I am in my golden years, still inspired seizing the adventure God intends for me to live. I feel great things are up on the horizon... In my epitaph, I would like it to read: offered herself as a vessel for God's purpose and helped others come to know Him, a good mother, loved her family and friends and a dream chaser! |
Monday, January 28, 2019
"Write About Work..."
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Work equates to earning a living to support yourself and your family as a whole. But what's the deeper meaning of work in our lives? I read somewhere and from a long time ago that work is" a vocation, a calling to bring forth our gifts in the context of the community in which we work and serve and it awakens and enlivens us on a daily basis..." And I approve this definition of work. I'm an educator in a public elementary school serving special needs children in a military installation unit. I see their parent/s dropping them off in their uniform and sometimes these children are still having difficulty adjusting to following rules and procedures at all times. What they want is to play all the time. What you incorporate to make your teaching meaningful is learning how to reference their interests in all activities even during outside recess. It could be so frustrating when you don't get their individual goals to a maximum level of expectancy. Sometimes, I have to pick my battles which would one I give adherence to or what is the priority; getting the curriculum done or getting them ready by equipping them with self-sufficient, practical ways to survive to adulthood?. Whenever they throw 'their fits/antrums, and it's often very destructive I have to immediately shift my thinking that these are truly special needs children and all they want is that sense of belonging and understanding their own world. I get it but somehow the challenge is greater than your passion and it surely is true work for me. If I have to venture or choose another line of work, it would be writing. I don't even enforce to get paid for it. I want to write non-fiction stories, personal articles highlighting my mantras; putting lyrics to make a beautiful melody of a song, a poem or even writing encapsulating words to convey love in a Hallmark card. Writing anything that moves me to write...with resilience and spontaneity! However, in my vein still runs the fervor of teaching elementary grade students especially in a Sunday School setting. I was amazed by how golden opportunities can be when you're teaching the Word of God to the little children. Their innocent faces, their hearts strung, attuned to what I'm saying is the sacred dimension of true work and service. There was no spirit of reluctance among them; only wanting to learn more about Jesus. That was my gift as an eyewitness to a group of children where God's visions on their life are unveiling, unfolding...to serve the Lord. |
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Day 26: " Write About Disappointment..."
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Beautiful weather produces a bounty of joy and thanksgiving just about now. From where I'm typing, I feel the rays of the sun seeping so bright giving me glimpses of what is to come--blessings of good, moving words to evoke my sentiments...I say that because we've been having what many call bipolar weather here in Central Texas. So, whenever we have a very indulging just right weather, I'm engulfed in its pleasure. So I started writing my 500-Word challenge before sunset. Writing about disappointment at this very hour will not help me get into that dismal mood of redirecting my remembrance to disappointments which are too many to think about. Truly, my biggest hurdle of disappointment is my delayed or long-overdue reaction to situations that needed resolutions right away. When you do that, you waste time, your energy and compromises the blessings and fruits of good decision-making leverage especially in the grueling experience of "ending, halting the toxic relationship in my life. There came many times of hesitation, sadness, and regret that I couldn't resolve moving forward by forgetting what's been behind me all these years. I believed it was all the wrong myths and notions of love that squandered my adult life spanning to three decades. Pitiful, crazy and rubbish on my part but then again I came away with living now vivaciously and most of all loving and respecting myself according to what God says about me...But for all its worth, I'm thankful they happened for they made me so much stronger! "Knowing when and how to let go when something, or someone, isn't working--a personal relationship, a job, or a business venture--is essential for happiness and success because the good cannot begin until the bad ends..." And I quote, "There are relationships that should go away, practices and phases that must be relinquished, and life stages that should come to an end to open up space for the next one." by Dr. Henry Cloud "I wish they weren't, but they are." |
Saturday, January 26, 2019
"Write About Travel..."
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Speaking of travel in its physical sense, mine is very few not to mention that my travels were never leisure or pleasure like a sabbatical. I always traveled with my immediate family visiting other family relatives or with a group of women going to a church retreat. My kind of travel is yet to happen in Jerusalem, or in Greece for a writing retreat and back to the The Philippines for a high school reunion. Well, when I and my husband and our 2 small children at the time were traveling from San Jose, California to New Jersey, with all of our household goods in a huge U-haul truck, that was the last travel we would do as a family. It was a trip mixed with melancholy because my parents and two siblings were still living in San Jose, California and on the other spectrum of life was great anticipation to live close to my husband's family on the east coast. On our first day of travel, my husband drove for 14 hours. We stayed on a hotel the first night and the kids were very excited that we got to do this as a family. One thing about traveling with your husband and children is that there's is an unexplainable sheer of joy in making a new journey with the whole family unit. That we are complete and that was it. There was a sense of unbreakable bond even for those moments only God knows how long it will last. We were happy especially my husband wanting to be living near his mom again. On our second day of the trip, my husband just decided to make a stop to Chicago where his Aunt lives. I was okay with that. The kids too, maybe because of my husband's aunt that had a store where food and candies are of good supply and other stuff that we might need for the trip. We ended up staying for 2 nights. One of the relatives had a birthday party. Our children had enjoyed Puerto Rican foods and played games with the other children there. I felt happy seeing families got together and unafraid to show how they missed each other all these years. On our last day of travel, my husband was driving endlessly for an hour and there was this crossroad that we were about to take but he didn't know which way to take. The map he was looking at didn't help. So I just told him to take the other way. My gut feeling was telling me the right road to take and it so happened to be the right one. My husband was thanking me after that quick decision I made. What I come away with that trip is that for everything, there is a season, beautiful in its time and God has set eternity in our hearts and would walk with us in season and out ...even when those seasons of life meant to be temporary but as you look back for a brief moment, those moments were shared without a few regrets... |
Friday, January 25, 2019
'Cut The Fluff..."
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"Cut the fluff..." is an idiom where you get rid useless adjectives and adverbs to get your writing powerful and clear. We, writers, are guilty of this fallacy in writing. Sometimes, the use of adjectives and adverbs give us better descriptions to nouns and pronouns. That may be so but most of the times, we overuse adjectives and adverbs putting our writing weak and vague. I tend to do that and I'm trying not to commit this fallacy in writing. Brevity and clarity in your writing are better than embellishing words that are just occupying space. Right now I'm guilty of not being punchy with my words. I could cut more fluffy words in my sentences but since this is free writing I will give myself a free ride to it. Action words which are verbs are the best part of speech to use in the active voice if you want strong descriptions. The words that I often misuse and overuse are"very, so, truly, which, that, of, too, and etc. Well, every day is an opportunity to learn something better and I believe that there's always a room for improvement in whatever we do whether writing or parenting. Sometimes I think I'm very bias when reading somebody else's work or craft. If your writing doesn't catch my attention on the 4th sentence of your paragraph, I won't read what happens next. I will end up just perusing the pages not having an inkling to go back and give it a chance... I should embrace other styles of writing not just appreciate their writing because it identifies with my style of writing. How's that going to hone my ability to write when I'm limiting and restricting good resources available to my disposal? My mindset should change to allowing myself to grow to make myself available to writing conferences, workshops, and webinars if I want this to work. And I do...especially this year, 2019. |
Thursday, January 24, 2019
"Write The End..."
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It's day 23 of our My 500 Words Challenge. I'm starting to get weary in my bone...It's starting to get me to write like it's an obligation that I'm just doing it now to finish it because I signed for this challenge. Writing every day with a suggested/given topic to delve in is hard work. You begin to lose your fluidity and your words, thoughts become sloppy. But I have to get over this feeling of discontentment and continue to write with a purpose. I was oftentimes asked why I don't have a book published yet or hadn't written non-fiction articles on magazines. I don't know. It always seems many things get in the way before I even plan to launch something like that. Blogging is the closest one to a greater dream. At this point in my life, this is good until God puts in my heart what I need to do for "He orders my steps." But if I have to write a book, I would highlight "Home" where all meaningful events happened. It is "at home" where you first witnessed what love is between two loving couple, your parents. It is "at home" where unity and responsibility are taught well among us siblings. It is "at home" where good manners are first established, where valuable lessons are taught...It is "at home" where the ultimate foundation of core beliefs, our faith in God's very nature of giving unconditional love and His grace are mounted high in our core being. So, I'm here to say that having been brought up in an atmosphere of love, solidarity, and accountability in my generation is big and that will carry you through thick and thin and weathering storms in your life. Our childhood lies all the justifications why we believe what we believe and why we behave the way we behave. The sacrifices that my mom and dad labored just to give us a good education served me to follow suit. Those images in my reservoir of good memories in childhood built me good spines to be a courageous single parent. How I would like to end my writing and what I want my readers to walk away with is the truth of the matter about life is that you can't blame anybody for your misfortune. It all comes back to making good choices between right and wrong, and putting your faith to the One who can give you "and show you a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." |
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
"Write About Fear..."
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Fear of death is probably the greatest fear that comes to mind...But if you have a strong relationship with God, His promises will entreat you, admonish you to be still, and trust Him. At the beginning of the year, our Grace church is involved in serving our community with our choice of ministry we want to help with. I picked the gathering of old wreaths that were put in every tomb of a serviceman or servicewoman that served in the military. This happened to be the ministry that many people signed on to do. There were about 8,000 thousand graves equalling to that number of wreaths we're supposed to dispose of and if they could be recycled, we keep them in a different container. I was amazed at the good turn out of people that came to help from other churches and organizations. I thought I would be there till sunset but we were all done within an hour. As I was uprooting every wreath anchored to the ground, I said to myself, these men and women died as heroes, with valor, dignity and lived out their purpose. What about me? I'm alive and well but there are still times when I feel like my purpose is still waiting for me to claim. That's my greatest fear that I'm traveling in circles not fulfilling what I'm assigned to do in this world. I try to do good in every way I know is right. However, I feel like I'm just scratching the surface in everything I do and touch. I wish God will tell me audibly or send me an angel to tell me my real purpose so I wouldn't keep falling and guessing why am I here for. I'm not afraid to die because I know where I'm going to live forever. I just want to hear God when I stand before Him and tell me," welcome home, my good and faithful servant." My other fear is for my children to stay oblivious and disobedient and their hearts hardened towards the heart of God and they missed the Rapture. Not just for them but for everyone that still continues to be walking in the dark. I think of every soul that had ever impacted my journey in this life, where are they now? What about those that visit and read my blog? Are their hearts in a good place? That I pray that you choose Today to give your heart to the Lord and let Him show you that He is the Joy, Peace & Love you've been missing in your life. |
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
"Write A Confession..."
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Our writing challenge suggested topic for today is about sharing something that we wish didn't happen but it did. If I have to be brutally honest, I have many outlandish, uncouth, and awkward experiences in the past. Yet all of these experiences have made me realized my real worth as a woman, a mother, a friend, a writer and most of all as the beloved daughter in the eyes of God. You see, my worst flaw is and was the fairy tales I concocted in my mind developed by the sultry images I watched on t.v. shows, love stories I read on books and magazines and the radio dramas I heard over a hundred times. So did with the allure of music that portrays never-ending love. Falling in love is the most beautiful, breathtaking, magical, suspenseful, intimate and inspiring act in life. I could add a very long list of adjectives and all the usage of the eight parts of speech congruently but still don't suffice how depth love is...Nobody can fully describe that profound feelings and emotions you have for someone. I may be a lyricist but still had not arrived to be a master of an unfathomed love. I am not going to be specific about my experience in this field because it is not meant for people to read in a blog. I just want to tell you in a nutshell that loving someone has a set of boundaries, standards, and guideposts you have to follow. Any red flag that you see must be a concern. Don't be blind or coerced or even constricted by loving someone just to be loved. Do not cross the fine line of giving yourself to someone who's already taken or committed to someone. That is so low and it reflects what kind of heart you have, a heartless, selfish kind of heart. All of which will come back to you in greater suffering if you concede to relationships you pursued to be very wrong. But then again, you're in a phase where your heart refuses to see and live the truth. Your truth is what you do; the choices that will make you respect yourself. Sooner or later, the realization of the matter comes pricy for you have wasted your time, energy, and money. The saddest part is you have consciously interrupted the very good plans and the will of God to prosper you because of your disobedience to his many promptings through the Holy Spirit. I have been a new creation and a vessel on God's Word. Nothing or nobody can stern me sideways on what I'm standing on now, the Solid Rock, Jesus, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. My past experiences serve as a precursor to my knowledge and living out the truth of His promises laid out to those who believe...And God has forgiven me for thwarting or coveting good to bad. But aren't we thankful and beyond Blessed that we have the God that accepts us and the only one that can love us" to the moon, to the infinity, to Heaven? He's knocking at every door of opportunity He sees open, and yet we veer to the side, against the course of the wind... We only have Today...We may not live Tomorrow. There's no telling when our last earthly breath be... Choose Life Eternal! |
Monday, January 21, 2019
"Justice Be Told..."
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted (Yes), every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain (Yes), and the crooked places will be made straight (Yes), and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed [cheering], and all flesh shall see it together. (Yes Lord)
This is our hope. (Yes, Yes) This is the faith that I go back to the South with. (Yes) With this faith (My Lord) we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. (Yes, All right) With this faith (Yes) we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation (Yes) into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. (Talk about it) With this faith (Yes, My Lord) we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together (Yes), to stand up for freedom together (Yeah), knowing that we will be free one day. [sustained applause]
This will be the day, this will be the day when all of God’s children (Yes, Yeah) will be able to sing with new meaning: “My country, ‘tis of thee (Yeah, Yes), sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. (Oh yes) Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim’s pride (Yeah), from every mountainside, let freedom ring!” (Yeah)
And if America is to be a great nation (Yes), this must become true. So let freedom ring (Yes, Amen) from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. (Uh-huh) Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. (Yes, all right) Let freedom ring (Yes) from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. (Well) Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. (Yes) But not only that: (No) Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. [cheering] (Yeah, Oh yes, Lord) Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. (Yes) Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. (Yes) From every mountainside (Yeah) [sustained applause], let freedom ring.
And when this happens [applause] (Let it ring, Let it ring), and when we allow freedom ring (Let it ring), when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city (Yes Lord), we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children (Yeah), black men (Yeah) and white men (Yeah), Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics (Yes), will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: “Free at last! (Yes) Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” [enthusiastic applause]
MLKEC-INP, Martin Luther King, Jr. Estate Collection, In Private Hands

Published in
Clayborne Carson, ed.
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Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King's life. We remember his most famous speech, "I have a dream."His dream should be everyone's dream, too. He was very bold, unafraid, and exponentially an outstanding speaker, orator. Let's continue to rally and support his dream to become a reality. That day is coming soon. Our nation is not divided; it is our political leaders that are clouded with pride undermining the hopes of the people of this great country. They never learned anything from the life of Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King. But that's just them. There are more of us in the Christian community that prays to God to heal our nation if we repent from our wicked ways. He is on the throne. Not worried if Pelosi and Schumer remain in discord with President Trump. We pray for all our leaders whom we give our trust when we elected them. I think about those 30 times they put Dr. Martin Luther King in jail. What could have he'd been thinking, his heart aching for justice and equality? There was no backing down. No fear in his vein. Just love for his brothers and sisters, that's us now. We are the heirs of his legacy to those who continue to support his dream. Another great figure for defending what she believes to be true was Rosa Parks. When I read about how she refused to give up her seat toward the front of a bus to a white male when segregation was written into law made me admire her conviction so much. Had it not been for that righteous disobedience, "Supreme Court could have not found bus segregation to be unconstitutional." Just like Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks received so many threats and harassment stemming from what they stirred in people's heart. People were actively listening and moving forward. What justice amongst us do you want to fight for? In silence or roar like a lion? Or both! We should encourage ourselves to write to our congressmen, to our senators and let them know that we're watching what they say, do in public. That we're not okay with what they're doing making the American people look like we're naive & ignorant of their hidden agendas. This is what Reverend, Dr.Martin Luther King wanted to happen one day; "that we will be able to transform the jangling discord of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood." Thank You, Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King for your life. I salute you! |
Sunday, January 20, 2019
"Write In Someone Else's Voice..."
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My most recent reading influences meaning in Today's version, are Dr. Henry Cloud's Necessary Endings & The Power of the Other; Mark Buchanan's Spiritual Rhythm and Jeff Goin's Real Artists Don't Starve. However, my real source of personal/intimate writing style comes from the Holy Book where revelations of the truth of the "I am" is the real creator of the masterpiece of immoveable words, lyrical writing, and the greatest storyteller we will ever know. The Holy Bible is the only book that is breathed with the help of the Holy Spirit that is accounted for by the apostles of Christ. That is why it has to be read with spiritual wisdom that is beyond our mental capacity. The only one that can help us achieve that is the Holy Spirit. With Jeff Goins, Dr. Henry Cloud & Mark Buchanan's style of writing is off the charts. Their voice evokes their personal relationship with the Lord and you see that in their writing. Mark Buchanan's Spiritual Rhythm is the book that I read every changing season because "it teaches us to respond to the weather of the heart, whether we are flourishing and fruitful, stark and dismal, or cool and windy. In comparing spiritual changes to the seasons of the year, Mark Buchanan shows us what to expect from each season and how embracing those rhythms allows our spiritual lives to prosper.'' Thus, I connect emotionally with Mark Buchanan's voice in writing. With Dr, Henry Cloud, his expertise in fostering personal and professional growth had given me good insights moving forward. His "Necessary Endings" book has taught me " to know when to have realistic hope and when to execute a necessary ending with a person or group of people. And how to stop wasting resources needed for the things that really matter." In short, when to say goodbye and move on! Jeff Goins' first published book, "Wrecked," on August 1, 2012, was the very first book I read when I started Blogging. I've read all his books. I had attended his free video conferences on line. Not all of them but I did. His choice of words is heartfelt, honest and engaging. Reading his work is like I'm in a conversation with him up close and personal. His writing is so dynamic and relatable, easy to understand, as it flutters to the heart. I can't wait to read his next book which is in the making. Each of us has that creative gift as a storyteller. How we tap it and hone it is real work that has good benefits, fulfillment to the core of your being.Hope you guys consider reading my favorite authors' gifts to your soul. |
Saturday, January 19, 2019
"While In The Waiting..."
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Waiting requires patience and more patience and understanding depending on the quality or the result you're waiting on. It may even require a leap of your faith just to be done waiting... Everybody waits for someone or something for the most part, for the right reasons; sometimes for all the wrong reasons. And what constitutes waiting? Time & your heart. Time is golden and valuable. Your heart determines how you spend your time waiting. But while waiting, for the meantime, you need not consume all your energy waiting. As they say, we have the in-between pauses or downtime to preoccupy ourselves with other stuff that also needs our attention. This may be kind of mundane to you guys but I eagerly wait for 3:00 o'clock pm. I'm not guilty of it because when I'm working I facilitate growth learning strategies and goals effectively to all children I teach and work with my time. I'm strong or big on time management. I'm just saying that I look forward to going home."My home is where my heart is. "I know this is true to everybody...We despise anything that hinders our coming home on time like the heavy traffic, the uneventful road accident, the flat tire...But how about the waiting that seems endless which makes you quiver or cry because somehow you know your waiting may be a waste of your time. Your bucket list of wishes you would want to accomplish and go places you've never been and people you want to see one more time seem painful for time doesn't carry your dreams and desires. You are waiting and praying for your sons to know the saving knowledge of God and hoping their lives be a living testimony of serving the Lord. But they have other earthly plans. In the physical realm, that is frustrating. However, we need to learn how to be steadfast on the things unseen that God has promised us. Even in the waiting... I would like to leave you tonight with Psalm of David 27:1-3,14 "The Lord is my light and salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When evildoers assail me to eat up my flesh, my adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble and fall. Though an army encamps me against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arises against me, yet I will be confident. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. |
Friday, January 18, 2019
"Pick A Fight..."
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I believe in the very sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. It is more than a written agreement or promises they have for each other till death do they part. And let no man put that in asunder. It's God's covenant... Every fiber of my being believes in what marriage stands for. I come from a very traditional family. My parents were married for more than fifty years. It could have been more if my dad didn't pass away fourteen years ago. And my mom remained a widow. It was her solemn choice and we respect and admire that loyalty and the love my mom has for my late dad. The same sentiment or creed that followed in the lives of my siblings. The eldest one has been married for 40 years; the next one is 39 years, and the rest 25 years of marriage and above. Mine survived for 15 years and I, too remained a single mom that dedicated my life to raising my kids. I believe so much in marriage that I pray every night for every marriage in America to get strengthened in the laws of God for there is no broken or hurting relationships that God's grace and mercy cannot restore and heal. We just have to be willing to run to God for our struggles and pains. I think about the children who are crying for their absent parent in their lives. No one can take the place from a mom or a dad to a stepdad or stepmom. It doesn't have to be like this. The real dynamics should be the family God has set for us in the very foundation of the world. I'm not even gonna say anything about the enemy that attacks the very core of marriage. He is pitiful and the father of lies and if you fall into his prey, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. he got nothing to offer you except deception, fairy tales, and a hell of fire and gnashing teeth. So, I say that if you're married, love your spouse as you are commanded to do so according to the Word of God. Every one of us will stand before the judgment day by our Creator with everything that we did and we failed to do.... |
Thursday, January 17, 2019
" Hope Flickers But Never Dies..."

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HOPE is never vague...nor passive.
Even when we can't see it coming to pass in our concept of time. That's the beauty of the heart that trusts in the waiting of the fulfillment of such a strong expectation. We persevere in praying that we never lose hope. It is in the spirit of hope that breathes and gears perseverance & endurance in the pursuit of life everlasting.
"Hope gives us the power to live courageously, to be all God has called us to be in Christ."
I'm not talking about the hope that many people have staggered it to idleness, a drifting phase, an escape from reality, perishing, which is all a temporary sojourn.
A Biblical Hope, The Blessed Hope, the Eternal Hope is what I'm talking about. It gives us joy and peace; protection, boldness, and confidence even in the face of death. This is not a cliche'.
I just read an article about Hope this late afternoon and it says," God is called the God of Hope, meaning, He is the source of all real hope and our hope must come from Him for he alone has the power to give it. It continues to say that, "If you are without Christ, you are without God and without hope. And without God's wisdom which gives God's hope, our hope will be in the wrong thing and it will be cut off. Now may the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)
I agree that our Blessed Hope changes what we value, in life. Do we continue to lay up ourselves treasures upon this earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in or steal for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also...Matthew 6:19-21.
The other night I watched this incredible man of God preached a message of Hope. For me, he is the epitome of an extraordinary example of Hope. He may not have arms & legs but he said that
he doesn't need his circumstances to change and that he has the wings of the Holy Spirit holding him up. He elucidated hope as hope when you compare your suffering to the infinite, immeasurable love and grace of God. You all know him as Nick Vujicic.
I know God has not forgotten our pain. The Blessing of Hope is your hope that you know who you are in the eyes and in the heart of God.
God Loves You...
"Hope gives us the power to live courageously, to be all God has called us to be in Christ."
I'm not talking about the hope that many people have staggered it to idleness, a drifting phase, an escape from reality, perishing, which is all a temporary sojourn.
A Biblical Hope, The Blessed Hope, the Eternal Hope is what I'm talking about. It gives us joy and peace; protection, boldness, and confidence even in the face of death. This is not a cliche'.
I just read an article about Hope this late afternoon and it says," God is called the God of Hope, meaning, He is the source of all real hope and our hope must come from Him for he alone has the power to give it. It continues to say that, "If you are without Christ, you are without God and without hope. And without God's wisdom which gives God's hope, our hope will be in the wrong thing and it will be cut off. Now may the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)
I agree that our Blessed Hope changes what we value, in life. Do we continue to lay up ourselves treasures upon this earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in or steal for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also...Matthew 6:19-21.
The other night I watched this incredible man of God preached a message of Hope. For me, he is the epitome of an extraordinary example of Hope. He may not have arms & legs but he said that
he doesn't need his circumstances to change and that he has the wings of the Holy Spirit holding him up. He elucidated hope as hope when you compare your suffering to the infinite, immeasurable love and grace of God. You all know him as Nick Vujicic.
I know God has not forgotten our pain. The Blessing of Hope is your hope that you know who you are in the eyes and in the heart of God.
God Loves You...
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
What This 500 Writing Challenge Means So Far..."
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"Writing without judgment or expectation and just experiencing the liberty of it is kind of "my cup of tea." What's helping me tremendously is the "now" time that I have committed myself to this writing challenge. With another commitment that I have with the Daniel Fast for 21 days of not watching any kind of t.v. except for Pentecostal church services online, and no social media including Twitter, and my mind is just focused on succeeding both challenges which go hand in hand is what I need to replenish my soul, body & spirit... With the Daniel Fast, my food doesn't include anything fried, just baked. No sweets either and not drinking coffee was probably the hardest for me to give up for 21 days. I drink coffee to keep my adrenalin going especially I get up at 5 in the morning or even earlier than 5 am. I also love its aroma and how it feels so good going down my throat to my esophagus and to my stomach. The smell of a freshly brewed coffee to wake you up in the morning is just heavenly to me. I'm kind of surprised with the result I'm getting with my Fasting. My mind is clear, no clutter; I feel healthier. I no longer suffer indigestion, insomnia and my forgetfulness, impatience, and anguish have mitigated to a point where I can really be a good listener and a better communicator to people especially my loved ones. So, that's where my writing has nudged to where I want it to be-- consistency in writing. Hoping to be that way even after these two challenges, Daniel Fast for 21 days and the Writing challenge for 31 days are over. That's the plan. But God has always the better plan for all of us if we let Him... When the flesh starts to put nasty things on my head like discouraging thoughts that these challenges I'm doing are not going to amount to anything, God gives me His Word of faithfulness and direct me to His promises in the Bible. When you cast all your cares to the Lord, He will straighten your path and He will be with you in the valley of trials that He already won the victory for us. For sure that you are going to be under attacks from the enemy but if you plead the Blood of Jesus on anything or anybody that tries to harm you, that name of Jesus makes the devil flee. We just have to realize how powerful and beautiful the name of Jesus in our lives. And talking about Him in my writing is the most fulfilling "muse" in my writing. It gives me hope, faith, love and inspiration to walk in my field of dreams... |
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
"The Food That Makes Me Happy..."
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Writing about your favorite food is today's topic. I'm Filipino all the way. If there's one thing I want to eagerly eat after our 21-day Daniel Fast is chicken adobo. It doesn't have to have eggs and garnished with bacon. I love it cooked the "Ilokano" way. I remember our first two days of driving going to Las Vegas with myself, my mom, my eldest sister, and her husband. My brother-in-law brought with us a pot of chicken/pork adobo and put it in a large cooler. We ate that for two days. What makes adobo tastes better the next day is the apple cider vinegar, kikkoman soy sauce and thinly sliced/cut fresh ginger root. Oh, I tell you, Filipino cuisine is one of the most savory, delicious food you can have. I really missed how they cook everything back home more tasty that you forget you're vegetarian. I can never go near good the way they prepare and cook them. One day, I will go back home for one pleasurable goal in mind--eat with" gusto" like there is no tomorrow. It's not just the food that is so good but also the many bountiful fruit-bearing trees and shrubs of succulent green leafy vegetables. No wonder, we hardly or never had gotten sick because of the fruits, vegetables, fish/seafood and a very small portion of meat into our plates. I still believe that to date. Who would forget the late, very famous Celebrity Chef and CNN Food Critic, Anthony Bourdain? How he loved the Filipino cuisine and most of all, he loved communing with the Filipino people. He was hilariously enjoying his time eating fine food and drink and storytelling in all of the videos he captured in the Philippines. That tells me that he was really a very good food critic. His level of adventure when it comes to food was amazing. Well, I have a lot of favorites but I'm not a good cook. I can cook, very average. I love looking at laborious pictures of food but kitchen is not my domain. I'm just happy that my two sons can cook better than me. I just found out yesterday that they just opened Baskin Robins and Dunkin Donuts not too far away from where I live. So, that's something I look forward to when I'm done with my Daniel Fast next Monday. Funny that I'm not having withdrawals from not drinking coffee for almost a month now. Praise God. My nerves are better. Not eating red meat especially has mitigated my indigestion and stomach issues. Also not watching anything at all from tv's and social media have given me time to introspect and think better with my conscience about Life. Just learning that we really can discipline our appetite to eat food that is naturally unhealthy. Fasting, Praying and Praising Him will do that for you. For sure...Take it from me! |
Monday, January 14, 2019
"Something About Today..."
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The alarm goes off at 5am. That's when my day begins..."Thank You, Father, God for this day... I muttered. I know it is going to be a good day. I am proclaiming and professing His grace that overflows and my steps guided by His might. Because the Lord does it exceedingly if we believe and I believe with all my heart. It may not be in the luxury and leisure of amenities but in the wealth of tough experiences/situations that He allowed me in to get through His present help to build me strength, confidence, and faith in His faithfulness. Nothing compares to the growing saving knowledge of God, His Word, The Bible. In the physical realm, teaching/working with special needs children today is like any other day. You help them with their goals which are individually designed according to their disabilities. They're very routine oriented so if there is a change in their schedule or anything that contributes to disturb their routine, destructive behavior occurs and if you're not equipped to de-escalate the situation, you lose that battle or challenge. Today I find myself running/chasing after one child. At breakfast in the cafeteria, he ran to the nurse's station so quick that I found him lying down in the bed with his legs crossed and a magazine on his hand. What a marvelous sight! You can't really get mad on him after that. I'm just thankful that he's safe. He sure knows where to go. I believe that God has prepared me especially today to watch over him. During our rotation learning time, I was facilitating the children on the computer area and also making sure everybody is where he/she should be. Even with my eyes focused on this child, he managed to run to the door four times but stopped him before he could open it. We have a buzzer installed at the door but that doesn't prevent any child from trying to run out of the classroom. So every transition we did today, I was on the lookout. He tried to run in Music, & in P. E. I had a special gear somewhat for I almost knew when he was going to do it. Got my running shoes and the kind of patience I needed today. Thank God for Fasting and praying and praising the Lord for every trial that comes my way. While writing this I am thinking that I am fortunate enough to do a job that still impassioned me to wake up early in the morning with hope and no back pains and migraines. What I'm saying is that the only way and there's no other way to be able to make it through the day with all the blaring noises around us without your faith that there is the God that is for us. There is the God that fights for us and He delivers... We may be encountering many setbacks and struggling to stay sane but I promise you with God, nothing is impossible. He's just waiting on us to run to him not away from him. He's the only one that could love you to the infinity. Let him come in Today in your heart of heart... |
Sunday, January 13, 2019
"Stretching The Truth A Little..."
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Who can possibly attest as a human being, that they never lied, stretched the truth in their lifetime? It's a yes for everybody. It's because of the sin nature that is in us. However, if you constantly lie to your teeth consciously and with the awareness of lying is wrong. The same thing with fabricating a story putting your own twist and embellishing it with exaggeration is also wrong. Not unless you're a storyteller or a creative director, a non-fiction writer, maybe, you could get away with stretching the truth because it's your job to make your script/writing full of juicy imaginations. Your readers or moviegoers will be all ears and heart. Oh, don't we feel like we live on a make-believe fairy tale of deception? That's what we want to believe so the hard realities of life don't eat us alive. The things we see, hear, feel, think, taste and smell are no longer organic to our senses, All of these desensitize our way of life. I think that the most stretched lie is lying to ourselves. When we don't let ourselves be vulnerable to other people especially to our loved ones and close friends, that vulnerability deepens. I just read this book called, "The Power of the Other by Dr. Henry Cloud." In this book, "it reminds us that our successes and failures often come through others. Those who have high relational I Qs are always the most successful by surrounding themselves with the right people if we want positive results." Many of us tell lies for good reasons. You don't want to hurt somebody by telling them the truth but sometimes they can't handle the truth so we lie. And we also lie because they beg us to lie, to cover for them for a season or for years or even that lie remains untold up to the grave. We lie about our age, our positions, our financial plight and we lie about almost anything. It's too much lies around us that we can't think straight. Lies corrupt the tenderness of the heart. It's not truly living when we befriend deception...I know what lying does. Whether a white lie or not, still a lie that is not pleasing to God no matter what reason we have in doing so. We all do. I can't really elongate this topic we were given to write about. I already actually deviated from it. My thoughts are just blaring to and fro not knowing how do I go writing about stretching a lie. It makes me feel like I'm condoning white lies because we all lie about something. The only thing that would make lies become a burden for truth is when you accept that nothing good comes out of lying. And it is a Biblical commandment to "do not lie." Although we're all guilty of it, we can go to God and ask him to give us grace not to lie. To ask God to bridle your tongue when you're about to lie is a good prayer. To ask God what to say, when to keep silent and how to say it and give you wisdom is absolutely pleasing to His eyes... |
Saturday, January 12, 2019
"Persuade Me..."
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Normally, persuasion is used when you strongly want people opposing you to believe your truth.
When I think about this topic, I don't have to think hard what could be the best illustration on this.
Our government has shut down. I don't really delve into politics because my mind is already made up on what to believe. Both parties, the Republican & the Democrats are both playing games on the life and security of the American people. But, whose party is really imperiling the government of the people, by the people and for the people? They're supposed to be working for us, the American people. PRIDE crept in. For me, It's been always pride that blinds lawmakers that they refuse to see the real benefits of building the wall. There is always a hidden agenda to every opposition. And vice versa.
I am in favor of building the wall. In the first place, there was already a wall built in there. It may not be as wide and as high as President Trump wants, but it needs to be done. In my own opinion, it's not even the money that is the issue. Since our President has been elected to the highest position of the land, the naysayers to every bill that our president wants to pass get relegated, abated, and on a standstill. However, the will of God will always prevail. Now more than ever, I know that so many Christians are praying for the move of God to happen and it will happen very soon.
One thing we have to consider is that when an intruder invades your home, harms you and your family, don't you want to protect your family and your home by installing security devices, and firing a gun as the last resort to save your life? Isn't that in parallel with what President Trump wants best for our country? Our president is against illegal immigrants coming in this country.
Not everybody that wants to come here has good intentions and that's been established and the truth
be told. By the time I retire, I may not have social security benefits waiting for me because all of my taxes were appropriated to pay for the needs of illegal immigrants and those that curtailed it. And I work hard for every penny I get. We also have to think what might be diseases be lurking, bringing into this country.
Our President may not be the most tactful in communicating his thoughts but that is just petty compared to all the good things he already delivered to the American people and also to the nation of Israel. I have no doubt that he loves this country. And I believe that when you aim for something greater, there will be strongholds, left and right. But I'm not weary. I pray many times a day that this government shutdown is over very soon. God is on the throne. He's waiting for His sons and daughters to do the right thing and doing the right thing is shifting pride to humility.
Let me leave you with this one to ponder: 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) which says, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
There is a wall in all of us, a chasm within...a division that needs to be unified to the real truth of why we do the things that grieve the heart of God!
Let me leave you with this one to ponder: 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) which says, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
There is a wall in all of us, a chasm within...a division that needs to be unified to the real truth of why we do the things that grieve the heart of God!
Friday, January 11, 2019
Writing About"Writing" As The Craft..."

Writing as your craft is our given topic today by Jeff Goins. It can go from why, how and when you write and everything else in between.
I'm the 4th child of 9 siblings, of the same parents. If I have a chance to do over some things in my life--this is not one of them that I wish it could be reconstructed or revised. Growing up in a big, closely-knitted family with a good patriarch and a good matriarch that taught us golden nuggets to live by and a legacy of a strong foundation of responsibilities, accountabilities as well as boundaries is noteworthy--priceless. I can tell you with so much joy in my heart that I treasure the teachings I got from my mom & dad. And nothing or nobody, not even our ever-changing global views; how distorted and appealing they are can't touch my moral integrity without repentance.
But anyways, when I was about 7 or 8 years old, I stumbled on my dad's diary on all of us, his 9 children. He compiled his writings in a book. My dad was very creative, more like a very resourceful man as he had proven that quality as a good father and a sole breadwinner till his last breath. I didn't think it was wrong for me to read because it wasn't locked. As if it was meant for me to read it. I didn't have any qualms doing it. By the way, I just read what was mine. His narrative about me started when I was born up to 3 years old. I didn't bother peeking on what he wrote about the rest of my siblings. I just wanted to read mine. From there on, I knew why I felt closer to him than my mom. But that mutual bond and affection changed when I became a mother myself. For I love my mother more now than ever.
I believe that reading my dad's manuscript about me was the crux of the fabric of my writing gift.
I just never told him that I read his diary of me and that he was my first "muse" in my
writing, the inspiration that lights up even when he's no longer here. I've written here and there; mostly in letters, greeting cards, journals, commentaries, and short editorials. What sealed my longing to write was when one afternoon outside the Arts & Sciences building, one of my English professors entreated me to the side and told me that he sees great potential in me in the field of Creative Arts. And he was even willing to help me be an apprentice in a nearby radio station. I did comply for the sake of curiosity, just once. I did a piece of 3-minute public service information.
It was an incredible feeling to read on the air. However, it wasn't for me. I wasn't going to do something that would alter my parents' expectations of me to become an educator, a teacher like my aunt and my grandpa which I am now... I never pondered on suppositions like what could have been if I had taken that route? People have told me that I made them cry or shed a tear when I wrote to them.
I kind of believe that or had an inkling that I love words. I read them, I listen to them, I sing them, I dream of them and I still continue to chase them...
Writing words that declare who I am is the great love I never found in the earthly relationships.
It continues to elude me but nevertheless, words do come by necessity, and there's no telling how
your words metamorph you by God's design.
Thank You for Reading...
God Bless
I kind of believe that or had an inkling that I love words. I read them, I listen to them, I sing them, I dream of them and I still continue to chase them...
Writing words that declare who I am is the great love I never found in the earthly relationships.
It continues to elude me but nevertheless, words do come by necessity, and there's no telling how
your words metamorph you by God's design.
Thank You for Reading...
God Bless
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Teach Something To Others--" Honor Your Body..."
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You can't teach life lessons that you haven't experienced deeply. What you've read in books by bestseller authors/writers is an advantage/benefit to self-improvement. What you've listened to from people as admonitions and guidelines may affect your decision making to go forward, stay where you are or just let the course of life beat you is not teaching you any lesson but rather giving you theories, book-smart adages. More than a decade of existing and living in this world we live in and with all the melodrama, disappointments, griefs, deceptions, poverty, brokenness, and chasing wrong dreams encrypted in my brain, I have to say the best teaching I can give is one that has detoured me, rerouted me back to the outstretched arms of our Heavenly Father... With so much conviction and love in my heart, I entreat you to Honor your Body. The Apostle Paul said, "I beseech you...that you present your bodies a living sacrifice...(Romans 12:1) Your body is the "temple of the Holy Spirit." Had I known what this teaching really means, I would have had preserved myself, and all that is within me for the greater purpose. You and I need not follow what culture or what society says. Because what dictates their behavior and their way of life is according to their thoughts and desires of their flesh. To women that still think that giving yourself away doesn't make men stay or marry you. Real men, Godly men actually respect you for your integrity. As women of faith, we encourage men to respect us by not subjecting ourselves to their carnal desires. I know many women that still adhere to taking care of themselves, being responsible and accountable for the things that please God. It is hard but it can be done. Anything that is not worldly is very hard to do but the reward is greater than your sacrifice later. If you have the uncompromising love and support of your Heavenly Father and the only One who will take you for who you are should be enough to trust Him your life. To those who are still under the bondage of nicotine & alcohol and pornography, take these afflictions to God. You can't fight it alone. It's not your fight anymore. It's the Lord's...I have my son who struggles every day with nicotine, alcohol and unwise spending. He tried the patch, the electronic cigarette, nasal spray, nicotine lozenges, and gum and almost to Chantix. However, the adverse effects of Chantix are more than anyone can bear. It defeats its purpose to help you quit. It's a mother's heart that is grieving to see your son losing his life slowly to vicious vices. This is a typical way of dishonoring your body. Cigarettes and alcohol combined are expensive. Both lead you to acquire cancer for real. God forbid. But I know God will deliver him from nicotine, alcohol & will be a good steward of the value of spending money wisely. Thank God we have this assurance from the Lord. |
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
"Make A List..."
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This topic is very inclusive. Just wish that it could have been more specific for me to inundate but I'll make it easy on me and my dear readers to do this list. No pressure. These are random thoughts... When I purchase or buy something, I write what time and date that item or items that were bought. I don't usually buy when I'm mad, disappointed, depressed, hurt, or any emotions or feelings that would be under the category of impulsive buying. I'm getting better at not buying things to appease myself from being a victim of my own perception towards pleasing people. The reason why I make a list of what I buy daily is that the date and time I bought them plays significance. Every number according to the Word of God has meanings. For example, the very popular number seven means perfection; the number eight is completion; the number nineteen is moving forward. It's not a superstitious belief when you have a preference for doing things. Just like I love going to the first church morning service on Sundays. To me, every "first " that is offered and done will receive first fruit offering. Every payday, I pay my tithes first before I pay my bills. When you do that, you're showing God that you are a faithful and cheerful giver. Everything that we have anyway belongs to Him. So if we can't even give him 10% of our net pay (what you take home after taxes) there's an issue in your heart. I give because I'm grateful and thankful that the Lord has continued to provide for me and my family in all areas of my life. And I faithfully believe that tithing is Biblical and I honor that. I may not have everything I want but I have everything I need in Him. I also make a list of what to do each week. It helps me to not to forget and leave things undone. If that happens, you spend more time trying to remember retracing your steps and that repulses me. Having a list when you go grocery shopping is wise. You don't triplicate what you already have at home. You stay in your budget. You have a clear conscience. Your activity in the grocery has actually shortened and you can go home with more time to yourself especially if you do it after church on Sundays. I also make a list of what bills to pay according to their due dates. There are bills I pay right away as soon as I get them in the mailbox and the rest is paid with my automatic deduction bank account. I monitor religiously all my transactions whether cash or debit cards or checks. So many creepy outlandish fools out there. Somehow no matter how cautious and responsible you are, these suckers sabotage your identity. And I say, "The Lord rebuke you..." After Wednesday service tonight, I was planning to go to Petsmart and buy Science Diet Food for my two Labradors, ages 12 & 13 respectively. What changed my mind was the thought that I won't have enough time to do that. The store closes at 9pm. Thirty minutes would not allow me to do just that. It can be done but I have to drive really fast and that's nonsense. Why would I put myself in a predicament that can be done the next day? Sometimes we want to accomplish things and they're just things. Also, when you're in doubt of something, don't do it. God wants you to take Him in all of your journeys. Take time to feel His presence and all of your steps be directed where they should be... |
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
"Pay It Forward..."
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When you have a great lesson learned in your life that you had experienced in the area of building relationships, take heart to pay it forward by sharing it through your writing. You'll never know who you are going to impact. Someone in a toxic relationship may just be waiting for a silver lining and you are that tinge of hope that paves the way to a greater conviction of the truth to be said... " What would be that something to write you wish someone would have told you sooner?" I grew up Roman Catholic as my religion. I graduated in a Catholic High School where we had to wear school uniforms. Our skirts are worn way below the kneecap. I actually liked it. I also loved going to the confessing room to our priest every Wednesday afternoon after school is over. It was a ritual for me to attend Sunday morning mass where there was a couple of times where I had to go in front of a lectern before the altar to read a specific Scripture in the Bible. I just feel Blessed to be a part of what you call a religion. As a young teenager, I was pretty much obedient and respectful to all kinds of authority. Even back then, I knew in the very core of my heart that there is the God that loves us through the infinity. I went along with the rituals of religion in high school until I went to college. That was the beginning of my endearing Quest for encountering the Truth. A guy in my Freshman English Class had invited me to a Bible Study. I went with a girlfriend named Noreen. I wasn't gonna go by myself. I forgot to bring my Bible, unfortunately. We stayed for an hour or so. I believe that God sees your heart. You may not know Scriptures but He will bring you Godly people and resources if you're willing to be transformed to His ways, not your secular fleshly ways. Three years prior to that night, I was already water baptized in a river with the rest of my siblings. And my eldest sister Araceli had the first encounter with the Lord. She used to go to Luneta in Manila just to distribute leaflets/tracts about Jesus. She also got to share the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to people from all walks of life. And she told me that, that was the most fulfilling event of her life whenever she helped ushers one soul to heaven's door. But for me, that spiritual path turned out to be a passing/ momentary experience. There are people that you meet in your life that will serve as agents and vessels of what God is trying to call you in--your Purpose. So, to me, it's not just one person. It's a collaboration of Godly and lukewarm people that I wished I could have known better. It was my journey to find out through a lot of self-denials, disobedience to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and most likely, my flesh is in the way to God's will for my life. I learned that the very hardest way. But here I am having this opportunity to tell the world that all of my experiences transcends Romans 8:38-39 "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. |
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