Saturday, March 27, 2021

Walking to a Hopeful Spring...

 "Your job as a writer (of any genre) is not to make readers imagine things as you see them but to trigger the theaters of their minds... Give them just enough to engage their mental projections, that's where the magic happens."  Writing For The Soul by Jerry B. Jenkins

Every season begins with a morph in mind. How you put your signature or your emblem to that visceral, deep, best feeling towards Spring should shimmer with Hope.

Yesterday I went to Hobby Lobby with books on my mind to buy. I just read Nerves of Steel by Tamie Jo Shults and Writing for the Soul by Jerry B. Jenkins, both last week. I also watched Captain America (Chris Evans)1 & 2 last night. I figure that it's better to learn to deviate from my keen interests in non-fiction. This anomaly will surely gain me more knowledge in honing my writing from blockages. The less I encounter writer's block, the better the flow of what I'm trying to elucidate teleporting messages that are Springy and memorable.

As I gathered 4 books together, it didn't dawn on me that these books I purchased were not in any way on my radar within the scheme of things in my life. One of the books is called The Power of a Praying Grandparent by Stormie Omartian cannot fully connect with me because I'm not a grandmother yet but I can read it and take away the nuggets of wisdom in that book and gift it to a friend that is a grandmother. Another book I bought is authored by Stephen and Alex Kendrick in The Love Dare. Skimming just the preface tells me that marriage is always priceless and worth fighting for. I thought for just one moment that just may be if I had read this book when my marriage was on the brink of inescapable divorce, just maybe surmountable. But no...thinking about it with no substance at all remains in the past of no return. But then again, this might encourage a couple to never underestimate the strength in not giving up in both parties concerned. The third book I picked to read is "Defined" by Stephen Kendrick & Alex Kendrick. I didn't need to browse the pages. The title itself conjures messages that may be worth sharing. God is the only one that gave us the absolute definition of who we are. There should be no confusion of your identity for He only created a man and a woman, Genesis 1:28-29. Anyone who wants to dispute that truth will have to seek God's heart of wisdom.
The last book I decided to get is Karen Kingsbury's "Someone Like You." This one I didn't even turn the page. The caption #1 New York Times Bestselling Author must have convinced me to add to my reading list this Spring. I have to pinch myself to remind me that this is a novel that it cannot give me fixations, squabbles on matters that have already framed my soul and heart to rest. The Bible tells us that this is the only book that gives us all we need to know. And I totally know that truth.

Stepping into Spring for me is doing what gives you a deeper understanding and appreciation of what we call life. It's your decisiveness, resolute habits that won't let you squander your God-given gifts. For me reading books, magazines, the newspaper gives me an edge to a place of wisdom, grace, peace, and clarity. It's a threshold. It doesn't matter what season I'm in but in the Spring I tend to get more purposeful and steady. Of course, I do have other activities that move me...I just wish that I could travel and see the world for what's their worth not only in the adventures of reading them but actually subdue their magical beauty for there is always a fairy tale behind every fascinating continent especially the island of the seas...
I love dolphins, polar bears, penguins, the exquisite birds and flowers in the field, and the green pastures God has provided for every living creature, the towering bamboos, and places where you most experience Heaven on Earth!
One breath at a time, one life, and One Creator. My Spring!

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Opportunities, Chances: Blindsided of Them or Taking them Fearlessly?

 I'm writing with so many conjuring thoughts circling the hemisphere of my brain...Spring Break is just over. I failed my list of short term goals. I didn't organize the clutter in my garage neither discard the over-piled boxes of Nintendo magazines and the gadgets relative to playing Mario Brothers owned by my eldest son who refused to throw them away even when they're all savaged by time and space. What could be their worth? To my son's perspective, they're his legacy of being a gamer, an artist, and his threshold. To me, their physicality must be in their rightful place--to the large bin to be picked up on garbage day. My take is that, you already have the treasures of experiences and memories locked in your mind and heart then you don't need to save them and let them rot obviously...

Well,  during the inception and evolving precedence of COVID 19, I was binging on food since I was confined at home. I didn't really realize that up since stepping on that weigh scale and the numbers don't lie. I have had developed unwanted layers in my belly which to my surprise, I kind of denied the imperativeness of losing the 12 lbs. I gained because I see that compounding pounds to almost every human being in my circles of friends, in the family and my co-workers. Everywhere I go especially in the grocery stores, I see a lot of people maybe have the same issues like mine. It didn't really scare me at first. I subjected myself with identifiable reasonable excuses. I told myself, "you're still within the range according to the periodic table of height, weight, age factors. And then I just started experiencing heartburns, bloating after eating and severe insomnia and maybe even panic attacks. I became what I haven't contemplated to be one...heavy and thick; fat and obese especially when all of your life, you were identified as slim or just right physique. 

Oh well...what am I going to do about it? First, I accepted that it is a problem that is affecting my confidence and my over all well being. I know it's just 12 lbs. but if I don't do anything about it now, that number will quadruple and then who's to blame? Myself and no other factors...

So, this past Spring Break, I made at peace with myself. I'm not going to do the list of household chores but instead work squarely on what's keeping me to feel alive and well again. Without my precious dogs with me anymore, walking has been stifling. It just stayed on my mind. It didn't flow in my system. But then an epiphany surmise: what would happen to my advocacy of staying healthy through regiment exercise shared with others? I have a son that has struggled obesity all his life and now that he's finally driven to lose weight, here I am, had fallen off the wagon. This should be more than enough to hit the trails again and throw away incompetence...

The other day, I was walking at Lions' Park where I took Cocoa & Tootsie when they were still here...An older man just passed me effortlessly. I said to myself this can't be happening that someone much older than me just swinging not too shabby. Although I was jealous of him outwalking me, I kind of respect and admire the tenacity. I feel my body out of synchronicity. I feel heavy, the weight of extra lbs. are deterring me to walk/jog swiftly. Not a good feeling. But this is accountability: it just didn't happen overnight, weeks, but in months of undisciplined overeating.

But...I'm here Now to redeem myself. Losing 1 lb. just last week is a congratulatory week for me. I also started learning to play the keyboard. Thanks to my brother-in-law and my sister for blessing me another musical instrument to learn. Google, it is to help you accomplish that skill. Learning another skill confronts idleness. We have to be proactive and fight the cravings for unhealthy food. Most of all I thank the Lord God Almighty for being so faithful in my life whenever I was ready "to throw in the towel" to losing my heart...God says, in Matthew 28:20 "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."

Don't we all need God? I do, for without His mercy and grace, Heaven may be unreachable for me and you to call our Eternal Home...God Bless