Monday, July 19, 2021

"Take Joy In The Journey..."


Good, inspiring music is at our disposal...We get it for free anytime, anywhere in the U.S.
Beyond Blessed for the freedom to choose what we want to listen to and thank God for raising up artists, musicians, and songwriters to help reach people know that they can call upon God for mercy, grace and forgiveness.

There is undeniably millions of people hurting here in Earth. I must say, all of us--just in different ways. For how deep the pain is, no one can measure except that when you have Hope in God's sovereign power and unconditional love, living each day becomes "a purpose driven life."

"Taking joy in the journey" as this song echoes, will eventually lead us to believe that we will have the victory in the end. This very narrow road to our eternal home is very hard to travel but we will make it and try to bring as many souls as we can with us for Heaven is real--that's the greatest commission...God instructed us!

Sunday, July 4, 2021

"God Bless The U.S.A."

 My favorite patriotic anthem...

"Proud to be an American and I love this land..."
Only in America where the very heart of freedom is lived Today. I'm talking our freedom to worship a god of the Pharisees or the son of God that died for all of our sins so we may be reunited with Him in eternity. Once our religious or Christian beliefs are curtailed, controlled and ceased by the government, then we're no longer the "land of the Free and the home of the Brave."
However, I doubt that will ever happen not with the revivals that are taking place here in America. Christianity is still very much alive... Prayer is still a lifeline and a weapon against weariness & hopelessness.
Thank God for His faithfulness, for holding darkness that we deserve and that He never gives up on us if we fix our eyes on Jesus. Let not your heart be troubled. Seek Him for wisdom and guidance. Accept Him today as your personal Savior and Lord and your life will no longer be filled with constant fear and agitation. Oh, how He loves you and me...