Sunday, August 1, 2021

You Are Not Alone...God Loves You.


We're blazing another round of tumultuous period of an onslaught to Delta Variant. Masks are required again. We were just having a breather and people are really enjoying this freedom until another so-called strand popped to threaten our livelihood. And we ask, when will this charade be over? That's just my opinion. 

I can't help to implore the question, "Who's benefiting the most from all of these? I'm sure that crossed into the forefront of your mind. Who and what are we giving the fidelity and the integrity of our constitutional rights to? 

Each day I grow weary and perplexed of how this beautiful, blessed, and most powerful country in the world is not holding up against tyranny among those we put into power to protect the people but instead we, the people are constrained in a box. Again, it's just me and my thoughts. We don't really get the real substance of media reporting. It is disconcerting that I no longer watch the news of any kind...I read up on articles though by trustworthy writers and re-read them again with punctuations and notations. 

It's a crazy world we live in, so they say... However, we can be more informed, equipped, and prayerful so "we may not be destroyed and perished because of lack of knowledge." We, the people of God have that opportunity to learn what the Bible says about all of these. "All Scriptures in the Bible is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV