Saturday, October 1, 2022

Giving Thanks for October's Bounty

  Vibrant hues in the Fall season never cease to amaze my heart fallin' for it...even my senses are bowing to encapsulate nature's invigorating colors giving deep substance in my mortal existence.
Even for just a season that is!
God's outpouring Blessings has been raining on us especially this two weekends in a row. My nephew in Florida just passed the State Bar Exam last week, our first certified attorney in the family; and this week, my niece here in Texas just aced the Social Work Board Exam.
However, the highest achievement one can ever have is the ultimate gift of giving your best servitude to you serve humanity with what God guided you to attain.
I just hope and pray that anyone that's been given a vessel, a platform to stand and fight for is going to make the right choice/s in this life no matter how strong the voice, the feature of darkness is. It's scary, I know but remember, we're just traveling but walking with a purpose. 
So, know what your divine gift/s are...Use them accordingly. Seek God's wisdom and you'll never have any qualms following your heart's desire for you are created as His masterpiece.
You can always count on it: that God loves you unconditionally.

Happy Fall/Autumn