Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Happy November


The fruitful images of November can't be denied. But what accrues in our minds is the long forbearing essence of what connects to it: gratitude, and thankfulness.

I'm ever thankful that I know the Lord and still pursuing to know Him more while the opportunities are still at my disposal. I thank Him to all those people He had put in my life as vessels to grow in Him and to those people who had become chasms into derailing my spiritual purpose on this earth. Because through them all, I had my takeaways.

The burden of truth is really on us. It begins with clear thinking devoid of mundane distractions and knowing that it ends what your heart knows all along: that there is our Almighty God waiting on us to give up our fleshly addictions so He can direct our path from the angst of stubbornness and pride to a journey of hope, faith, and love.

I'm thankful that God is able to hold back His wrath from what has been plaguing this country. I'm dumbfounded but not torn to pieces about how we're using the pronouns, he, she, it, etc. opposite their original usage. Shocking & disturbing. God is still providing us time to repent before He comes for His final judgment. 

I'm thankful that I already voted for early midterm elections and you guys know what my votes stand for. It may be perceived as unpopular and unsettling to others who take their human rights for granted but I'm at peace with my truth, God's truth.

And I'm thankful that God still answers prayers whether out loud, to a whisper, or muttering...I do them all even when waiting for an answer means holding on tight to your faith that God is faithful, perfect, and true. 

I am thankful that there is a massive field for a harvest of souls to be saved...We're all ambassadors for His kingdom. And life is short!