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I thank God that we have a school administrator that believes in the power of Prayer. In many ways, she is the leader that holds us together, that needs her encompassing and illuminating wisdom. Every morning when she does the pledge of allegiance, followed by the moment of silence, and her announcements, we the Special Ed. classes couldn't wait to hear her say our favorite nugget of encouragement,"Work hard, and don't be lazy" and that has echoed in the hearts of our special needs children. This has become our phrase of ammunition towards the children esp. when we're doing our academic rotations in the morning. And it works for it delves them to work diligently even just for that "brief teaching moment that they get it."
Oh well...tonight, I'll start brainstorming a bucket list of achievable goals as well as goals that may be hard to accomplish. Yeah. Summer just got started. Will be taking my mom to go out. She's been under the weather lately, on and off. Yup, this is good.
Thank You Lord for the challenges that we have overcome this schoolyear. With these adversities, they made us labor and toil to serve our students better. It really takes a village to raise a child. Just happy that I have partnered with a village of educators that makes every heart grow fonder and closer to his outstretched hand!
Be adventurous this Summer. Think outside the box. There may not be chocolates outside the box but the journey to experiencing all that is there before our eyes are for us to marvel. Just take heart. Never lose what your heart treasures most. Don't be surprised if you see me at Home Depot learning a new skill.
Surprise me!
See you all in August.